There are over 270 accredited graduate schools of business in the U.S. Since each business school application you send out will take time to fill out and include costs, you will surely need to limit the number of schools you apply to. So how do you pick which ones to apply to? Many people are confined to a particular location when applying to Business School.
If so, then the task of narrowing down your schools will be easy. But if you are flexible, you would be wise to search around. Which schools you choose can most certainly open doors for you.
Your personal needs and career-related goals should be the biggest factors in determining which schools are a good fit for you. Each school will have its own strengths and weaknesses. You need to match up your strengths and interests with theirs.
Some schools have a great marketing program while others don't. Some schools focus on team building while others don't. Think about what you want, and find it in your school.
Online programs are now an option. Duke University's Fuqua School of Business initiated an Internet-based MBA in 1996. Now partially or totally online MBA programs have sprung up all over the nation. An increase in part-time programs has been noted. It's supply and demand in the works.
Students don't want to give up their jobs (and more importantly, their income) to go to school. Respect for these programs is also increasing. So if you can't give up your day job, pursuing an MBA from a part-time program is an option. However, there are benefits of going full time. Focusing and networking are the top reasons for dropping your career for an MBA program.
In additional consideration is that many of the top schools do not offer part-time programs. The GMAT can make or break whether you get into a top business school. The scores range from 200 to 800 while the average test taker will score between 400 and 600. If you want to get into one of the top business schools in the nation, you will likely need a score nearing 700 (or above), excellent transcripts, and experience. Remember that travel and application fees will be the largest fees you incur per school. The costs for the GMAT is a one-time fee, although you will need to pay to send your GMAT scores and transcripts to each school you apply to.
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